Cybersecurity poses a great threat, not just in Canada, but all over the world. Hackers have evolved and now even the strongest systems might not hold up to some innovative criminals.
With this in mind, many Canadians are looking to see what they can do to make the Internet a little safer. Considering how much time Canadians tend to spend online, as we've been among the leaders in Internet use for years, online safety is of the utmost importance.
In consideration of this threat, lawmakers have expressed interest in updating the national rules on cybersecurity and protection. While no decisions have been reached, this may not be the case for very long. Canadians will need to be ready to abide by the new regulations.
Strategies outdated as is
According to the Leader Post, citing information from a University of Calgary School of Public Policy study, in comparison to other nations and the brute strength of hackers today, Canadian cybersecurity tactics are outdated and leave many of us vulnerable. Some major topics of interest in this study are proposed privacy laws, current accessibility and data standards.
The news source said that one possibility is the levying of a new privacy regulation. Recently proposed - and subsequently dismissed - laws have considered implementing rules wherein ISPs would have to provide law enforcement agents with lists of clients and their data. ISPs have pledged that they are willing to comply with any law that would keep Canadians safe, but some individuals have been relatively wary of such regulations because of privacy concerns.
The Leader Post said that for such laws to pass, they likely have to be more specific and take into account the preferences of those in the private and public sectors.
Much of the onus is on consumers and some ISPs to protect files - people from the reign of hackers. According to the Public Safety Canada website, the current cybersecurity strategies in place should prevent such attacks. The source said that it's a good thing that businesses and official departments alike are taking a bigger role in protecting the little guy.
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