Online courses have become more popular in recent years. Thanks to the growth of the high-speed Web and streaming technologies, among other advancements, nearly half of college students now take at least one course online. That figure has doubled in the past five years, according to Campus Technology.
Now, it seems people will be able to enroll in a new course - Canada.com recently reported that people can now enroll for classes at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the famous Harry Potter novels. As students, people will be able to complete assignments, take quizzes and interact with professors to complete the content. Users can go through the content at their own pace to make sure they get the most out of their Hogwarts experience.
"With enrollment in classes not being a necessary factor of being enrolled in Hogwarts is Here, users of the website can interact with fellow witches and wizards in an online dormitory consisting of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin house," the news source added. "Students can chat about courses, collect frog cards, earn House Points from trivia questions and buy items from their very own Gringotts Wizarding bank account."
Each course spans nine weeks, with one lesson per week. People must wait a week after completing a session before they can do the next one. In the mean time, they can also keep up with school-wide activities through a campus newspaper and take part in other competitions and online events throughout the world.
Leveraging online education
On a more serious note, unlimited Internet can play a huge role in helping people complete their college degrees. More people are taking online classes because of the convenience they offer, enabling students to acquire their degrees on their own time.
"With more social tools, not to mention better bandwidth, people can learn - and share ideas - from anywhere. That has helped to popularize the massive open online course (MOOC), which got its start about six years ago," The Globe and Mail reported.
Some online courses have upward of 100,000 students enrolled and can be taken by anyone with an Internet connection. Sometimes, courses are even provided for free, offering students an easy window into a new area to see whether they like the subject matter.
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