No matter whether you're a student brainstorming for ideas for a school project or an adult trying to come up with festive party theme ideas, the Internet is a great resource. Just by going online, people can find and speak to like-minded individuals and find new ideas on just about any topic. Online forums, websites like Reddit, question-and-answer pages like Yahoo Answers and many others can be of great service if you're trying to come up with something fun and innovative.
A few months ago, it came out that a Canadian couple did just this. They went online to search for a name for their baby. The days of buying baby name books are over for many people - why do that when you can view the same types of lists online? However, this couple took things a bit further.
Stephen and Alysha McLaughlin took to Twitter and Reddit in January to ask users to help vote on their child's name. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, software programmer Stephen created the website "namemydaughter.com" so that people could visit and vote once per day.
Now that the baby is here, did the McLaughlins end up following the advice of Internet aficionados all over the world, or did they forge their own path?
Seeking help in an innovative way
According to the news source, the McLaughlins took to the Internet to find a unique first and middle name for their daughter. Many of the suggestions - which ended up making their way onto the final list before the baby was born on April 7 - were laughable. For instance, "LOL," "Kids'R'Gross" and "Not Zelda" ended up being some of the highest ranked names, the news provider detailed.
When it came down to crunch time, however, there were stipulations.
"Unfortunately internet I know better than to trust you. We will ultimately be making the final decision," Stephen's second-to-last post on the website read.
After all, the name that garnered the most votes was "Cthulhu all-spark."
What's the baby's name?
The McLaughlins ultimately decided to go with the name with the second highest amount of votes, Entrepreneur reported, Amelia. They chose two middle names - Savannah and Joy. That being said, CTV News noted that Pond and Salad were top contenders for middle name.
The news source explained that the McLaughlins plan to archive the website and its results so they can show Amelia the power of the Internet when she's older.
If you're going to be going online often - as the McLaughlins likely did in order to check the most up-to-date rankings of their daughter's potential name - it's important to have a reliable connection. This can be ensured by choosing a worthwhile Internet service provider. By turning to an ISP that not only offers a strong connection, but also competitive rates and data packages, individuals can be sure that they always have ready access when they need it and in a manner they can afford.
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