Recent Developments in Canadian Copyright Law

November 30, 2012

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Recent Developments in Canadian Copyright Law

Hey Gang,

Recently, changes to Canadian copyright law have been making news headlines. Many of our customers have been wondering what the changes mean and what role Internet Service Providers like TekSavvy will play in upholding the new law. It is a complicated issue and we are doing our best to provide our customers with the resources you need to become informed.

At TekSavvy, we take pride in our dedication to you, our customer. We listen and try to respect your needs. We have always fought for your rights and we take your privacy seriously. We feel it is important to do our part to inform you on the modernized copyright law that has recently been introduced. The changes in Canada’s copyright law are complex. We encourage you to become familiar with your, and copyright holders’ rights within this new law.

This effort is guaranteed to bring many questions from our customers. I assure you that this is only an education effort on TekSavvy’s part, as we believe that as your ISP we have a responsibility to inform you of changes that might affect you. If you do have questions on the law, we have provided a link to resources to help find the answers.

Marc – CEO/TekSavvy

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