Hello and welcome. I’m happy to provide all of you with a glimpse of what’s been going on here at TekSavvy these past couple of months. Some of it is not so sexy but overall I feel that things are coming together well and if nothing else it may make for some fun reading. Let’s get right into it as there are great things in store!
Since my last update we can happily report that wait time issues are largely fixed. A big part of the fix involved hiring 150 staff in the last 2 months. We are now sitting at 350 staff. We also re-organized the operational side of the house to add more trainers, more team leads, as well as a number of new roles to accommodate various issues. Overall we emphasized process efficiency, better management and communication between the various departments.
We are also moving location in Chatham which is great since we now need it more than ever with all the new hires. The 25000 sq.ft facility is located just down the street from our existing space. We move in on March 1st or sooner depending on when the existing tenants vacate. We’ve also leased temporary space in Ottawa to accommodate a growing number of staff there. We’re still trying to find something more permanent but for now it will do just fine. Our Sudbury office is still holding fine after increasing the head count to capacity. The short of it is that we are essentially out of space everywhere until we move down the road in Chatham. Our head office is and will always remain in Chatham of course and that’s where we expect the majority of the growth in the years ahead so it makes good sense to have a large facility there where we can grow over time.
On another front, some may have noticed that we now have new web order forms. The latest add-on is the DSL order form that is now tied into the same backend engine that the Cable and TekTalk order forms are powered by. It is part of a major push into automating as much as we can. The intent is to improve efficiencies as much as possible as well as simplify the processes and really empower our staff to provide great service.
We also have our marketing working on some neat stuff and the latest has been a Breast Cancer campaign on Facebook and this month we’re doing a Prostate Cancer cause campaign. So these are all fun but important things since its a subject that affects so many of us. Details can be found here www.facebook.com/teksavvysolutionsinc.
Marc - CEO/TekSavvy
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