Even though times have changed as technology advances, there are some things that just don't fade away. Fundraising is one of those areas that is critical to the success and survival of many community-driven projects. Now there's a way to use the Internet to help.
Time-honored traditions
Many Canadians are experienced with fundraising, having done it for their children's sports teams or school events, and they realize the difficulties it can present. Most government organizations and politicians have also done this to benefit their communities or to mount political campaigns.
The Alberta government recently showed how crowdsourcing on the Internet can be used by those trying to amass funds. The province is looking for a new license plate and has put a number of templates on its official website to garner people's opinions as to which design should be chosen. More than 100,000 have voted on one of three templates.
The Internet acts as a new way to raise funds
While the Alberta license plate campaign is geared toward a fun way of making a change, the Internet is also being used to raise funds for various other ventures. A Canada.com article showed that Kickstarter is being used all over the world by groups, sports organizations and even individuals who believe they have something new and unique to offer the international community. While many presentations are legitimate and well-meaning, the article said there are others that defy the imagination as to why they are getting so much money. One particular campaign has raised more than $62,000 - when there were still 24 days to go - to make potato salad.
While many Internet users take this kind of thing in stride, the source added that there are those who are less than amused at these type of stunts. Salon wasn't thrilled with the potato salad campaign netting big cash pledges when there are so many people living below the poverty line.
However, for youth hockey or lacrosse teams, crowdfunding online can be a huge asset. Along with the usual method of hitting the neighborhoods to raise funds for uniforms and equipment, teams may now create a visual marketing campaign online that can go far beyond the community in which they live. This presents all kinds of opportunities to increase donations while getting program information out to a wider and more discerning audience.
Alberta's quest for a new license plate, along with a good potato salad recipe, are leading the way for those in need of community funding to find their own niche among the many crowdfunding opportunities appearing each day across the Internet.
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