Are Canadians still using Facebook?

February 14, 2014

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Are Canadians still using Facebook?

For the past few years, one social media network has reigned supreme virtually around the world. Sure, MySpace was really the first website of its kind to make it big on the social networking scene, and sites like Instagram are being hailed as the next big thing, but it's Facebook that's at the top of the list as far as popularity goes. So many people have accounts on this platform - according to a Facebook release, as of March 2013, there were about 665 million daily active users on the site, while monthly users topped out at 1.1 billion people.

There are a lot of things that make the website attractive for people using the Internet in Canada. For instance, they can use the site to subscribe to posts form their favourite celebrities, keep in touch with friends and family and show off interesting pictures or information.

However, recent rumours have suggested that this site is becoming less and less interesting for those who use Internet providers in Canada to stay in touch via social networks.

Who isn't using Facebook?
According to The Canadian Press, a recent report issued by Media Technology Monitor revealed that 1 in 3 Canadians don't use Facebook every month at this point. This might not seem like a big deal, but the source noted that that this shows Canadians are deleting or otherwise abandoning their accounts.

After all, the survey showed that 14 per cent of that group explained that they used to have an account but no longer do, while 16 per cent said they still have one but just don't sign on anymore. Interestingly, it's the youth of Canada leading this charge away from the site. Respondents between the ages of 18 and 24 were 10 times more likely to have deleted their personal page.

The reason behind the exodus
The Canadian Press detailed that those who were surveyed by Media Technology Monitor largely said they decided to leave Facebook because they didn't find it useful anymore, were worried about privacy settings and just didn't have the time to keep up with it any longer.

The Huffington Post suggested that there are plenty of other reasons not to use Facebook anymore. Topping that list is the fact that people simply aren't interested in the daily musings of others. Why would you want to see a picture of what a former classmate just made for dinner or read about what your second cousin's gym routine looked like?

The news outlet also noted that the ever-changing privacy settings have become cause for concern. For instance, consider the fact that you can no longer hide your name from being searched on the site. Plus, blocking people is the sole way to ensure they can't see your information at this point. This leads into another concern - everyone and their mother is on the site now, and many people don't want their families being privy to every update or tagged picture.

Suggestions like these have lead many Canadians to start questioning their online habits and look for relief and entertainment elsewhere.

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