Recently we’ve had a number of issues relating to delayed installations and customers offline for extended periods of time. Frankly we are upset that we haven’t been able to provide the level of service that you have come to expect from us, and that we expect from ourselves. We want you to know that we have our legal counsel, and the CRTC on it.
In the past 2 months we’ve had strong sales! Which is amazing! Our customer service center was staffed appropriately, the phones were beefed up. We were ready! There was one factor we didn’t account for, vendor delays and outages. Vendor delays and vendor network outages have impacted our customer service experience and have resulted in a much larger than expected volume of calls. You may have been one of those who have experienced long wait times, delayed installations, extended outages, or delayed modem swaps. While we were ready for our projected sales and technical support calls, we did not anticipate the ongoing vendor delays coupled with vendor network outages which have inflated our call volumes.
Normally when we sign you up we submit the request to the vendor along with information to get you connected. The same process works for customers who request or need changes to their network profile. Currently and in recent weeks the vendor has been taking longer than usual to complete these installations, profile changes and other repairs.
Behind the scenes we have been actively working with the vendor, legal counsel and the CRTC to get this fixed. While the vendor continues work on its network, in the last week, the vendor has been responding to our new tickets more quickly, and started giving us ETA’s for individual issue resolution. Unfortunately they are still significantly behind and there continues to be vendor network outages. Together, we are currently working through the backlog of tickets, and we expect to be back to our normal service levels soon, not withstanding any more vendor network outages.
We are very concerned about our customers, old and new, and want you to know that we are taking this matter very seriously. We need to ensure that these types of delays and poor service levels don’t happen again. We have brought our concerns to both the CRTC and our incumbent partners, with the intent to pursue action preventing prolonged issues like this from happening in the future.
The events of these past few weeks have clearly identified flaws in the current wholesale model. The model needs to be fixed. We need a better structure to ensure that we can service our customers the way that they deserve. We are working with other ISPs who have experienced similar service issues and plan to address the matter more formally with the CRTC in the weeks ahead. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service, and we will do what it takes to ensure we are able to maintain our standards in the future.
In the meantime we have a quick fix to get those customers most seriously affected back online. Courtesy of WIND Mobile and TekSavvy, we made a limited number of mobile hotspots and data sticks available for loan for up to 30 days with unlimited data.
Marc – CEO TekSavvy
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