I’m gone
When I stepped away from TekSavvy last June, I thought I'd reset the clock a little, and work on my health, leave Marc at the helm and see where it went from there. Weeks 1 and 2 went by and I really enjoyed the much-needed downtime. Then the infamous idle hands set in...
Man, was I bored! Having promised myself that downtime, I set off to tackle slower paced projects, which I enjoyed very much (and in which I am still involved). Alas, my old world called. Hell, it yelled!
I’m back
After 9+ months away, I used my new office passcard for the first time, chuckled at myself and walked in...
Day 1 was one of those "wow" moments! I found myself staring at the call board, listening to that constant ringing: that white noise from the past that now sounded so freaking awesome. I had really missed this stuff!
Sprinting again
Now, two weeks in, I can honestly say I'm still in that wow moment. I managed to get some time in with veteran and new employees, resellers, customers and, man, it was like stepping back into the past—with one exception: I had a new appreciation for what was and what now is. The break provided me a healthy lens reset.
My return also comes at a unique time in the CNOC world, as it is AGM time... Is it foolish to come back full stride? ABSOLUTELY! LOL... Why run when you can sprint, right? So, only days back on the job, like riding a bike, I'm looking forward to contributing to government and industry issues with my fellow CNOC brothers and board members.
I’m home again!
On my return, Marc and I sat down to discuss and determine who does what. We’ve decided he'll keep on with the CEO roles while I focus on what I've always done best: worrying about what's best for competition and, in the end, those who made us what we are today—the customers!
...more blogging to come on these various efforts in the days, weeks and months to come.
In the meantime, glad to be back!
Rocky Gaudrault
TekSavvy Founder
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